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What you need to know about Medicare Open Enrollment 2022
What changes can you make during this period?
You can enroll
Change your plan
Drop a Medicare Health Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan with or without drug coverage
When is Open Enrollment?
Open enrollment starts on October 15th and ends on December 7th.
When will my coverage start?
Your coverage will start on January 1st provided your changes are received by December 7th.
What is Initial Enrollment?
This is the period in which you become eligible for Medicare and can enroll in a plan.
When is the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period and what
changes can be made during this period?
From January 1st – March 31st Medicare Advantage enrollees can switch to Original Medicare or change to a different Medicare Advantage Plan once during this period. A separate Medicare drug plan can be joined during this period also.
We are available to help navigate you through the entire process. We will ensure that your doctors and medication are covered under the plan. We schedule enrollments virtually or by phone for your convenience.
Let’s avail together and get your benefits started!
We are available to answer

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